Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Confetti Rice

The inspiration of this dish came from having a bunch of little bits of carrot, onion, garlic and other things. Once all veggies were chopped, and mixed with rice, they looked like confetti! the beauty of this dish is you can use up any bits of leftover vegetable, fresh, frozen or from dinner the night before and because you're using instant rice, you don't need to worry about overcooking.

Confetti Rice


2c chopped veggies, any that you have available (I used green onion, tomato, carrot, and garlic. I also had two single serving packages of frozen vegetables in sauce that needed using up, plus a partial package of ramen with the broth packet.)
  • 1c instant rice
  • 1 1/2c hot water
  • 2T vegetable oil for sauteing
In medium saucepan, heat oil, and chopped vegetables. (Note: I put my crushed up ramen in after the vegetables were almost done. Then added the broth packet and mix together.)

Mix in rice then add hot water. Bring to boil, then remove from heat. Cover and let sit 10 minutes.

Served with Chicken Kabobs with Roasted Broccoli.

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