Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Attack of the Bees - A Mini Odyssey

The plan for dinner tonight was my version of egg foo young. I had frozen my leftovers from red beans and rice/pineapple emergency remedy dish (recipe down below). It's not enough for a main course for the two of us, so a new dish was in order. I decided on egg foo young. Plus for the gravy, we had oranges and lemons to use up... add ginger and gobs of garlic cloves and that is my take on what will be the gravy.

Here's the deal. I'm not sure if it was the pineapple in the rice and beans, the lemon/orange juice, or the little bit of honey I added.. The attack of the bees was relentless. We counted over a dozen. Tomorrow's task will be seeing if we have a hive in the near vicinity. Until then, the buzzing and bombardment was so insane, halfway through the egg foo young preparation, I abandoned cooking my original dinner idea, and Nut and I opted for a boxed chicken that was in the freezer. (Note: unexpected, weird events will happen at the worst times. This is why we have emergency options in the freezer.) Tonight it was the bees.

First we tried to get them out the door, which we did for quite a few, then...the onslaught was too much. I could feel the bees hitting my head and both Nut and myself had these little buzzies swarming all around us.

Dinner was half done. It was a good stopping spot. Dinner menu change. It was interesting that as soon as I packaged the components of the egg foo young, the bees subsided. Boxed chicken it is.

Did the egg foo young preparation go to waste? Absolutely not. The gravy was poured into a jar. (You know that when something sits overnight, it gets better... I have same hopes for the gravy.) As far as the omelette makings, I got so far as chopping vegetables and adding to the afore mentioned leftovers, and giving them about 3 minutes in the microwave. Once cooled, it was at this stage that I got them into the fridge. Then we got the chicken into the oven.

It is now the next day. I got the idea to pre-cook the egg foo young patties early this morning. It's 20 degrees out right now. This means bees are still sleeping. Extra bonus, we'll help heat the trailer while cooking...multi-tasking the propane!! Later we'll reheat for dinner.

Dinner was great and surprisingly filling for being an egg dish. The gravy was a bit tart, but paired with the richness of the eggs, rice beans meat etc. it balanced nicely. The surprising part, we still have more leftovers! It's the dish that keeps on giving!

See what happens with those leftovers in tomorrow's post. Meanwhile, here are the recipes mentioned from this post:

Red Beans and Rice

1 healthy cup cooked meat, diced
1 pkg Spanish rice mix
1 14 oz can kidney beans
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 c frozen sweet peppers
1/2 onion, chopped
1 bay leaf

Prepare Spanish rice according to directions only add bay leaf as well.
Saute onions. When tender, add remainder of ingredients to a pan and heat through.
When rice is done, mix everything together.

Both Nut and I liked it, but it was a bit salty, probably from the mix.

The leftovers of this dish, we added a 14 oz can pineapple with the unsweetened juice added as well. Simmer until warmed through and reduce until desired consistency. The pineapple's sweet/tart flavor helped reduce the salty taste.

Egg Foo Young

The rest of pineapple/red beans and rice leftovers
1 12 /c bok choy, sliced
1 c fresh bean sprouts
3 green onion chopped
5 eggs, beaten
vegetable oil

Mix leftovers, fresh vegetables and eggs together. This will be your pancake batter. Heat oil in pan. Ladle batter into pan, and fry until golden brown, about three minutes each side. Top with gravy.

Egg Foo Young Gravy

This is my own take on this gravy according to what I had on hand.
the juice of 1 lemon
the juice of 1 orange
1 1" knob ginger, crushed
5 garlic cloves, crushed
2 T honey
2 cubes chicken bouillon cubes
1 c water
1 t sesame oil

Simmer 20 minutes. Due to our bee experience, this got to sit overnight, so the flavor developed even further. The next night I added 1 T cornstarch and microwaved for 2 minutes. Then let sit 5 minutes, until thickened.

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